Získejte to nejlepší řešení pro své platby

Jsme tu, abychom vám pomohli najít tu nejlepší možnost podle vašich potřeb, a to ať už začínáte nebo jen hledáte lepší řešení pro své platby.

Vyplňte formulář a náš tým se s vámi spojí s personalizovanými doporučeními.

Více než 200 000 obchodníků nám důvěřuje

A top partnership


Registered since the beginning of mypos,(2016) for my small retail business on the markets, never a problem, and maximum security.
The payment card is good, even abroad, and transfers are fast.
The payment terminal also dates from 2016 and has never had a problem.
Bravo MyPos

customer for 7 years


after 7 years as a customer of MyPos, I would not change them with anyone, always efficient service, PERFECT!!!

NEVER have I had a problem


I've used myPOS terminals for several years for my sales on markets, where portability is essential, NEVER have I had ANY problem with the terminals. Upgrading to newer models was quick and trouble-free. I've been recommending myPOS to other vendors for some years. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

Quick, easy and intuitive!


The device arrived quickly and the service, pre and post purchase, as well as in the onboarding process, was very good.

It has never been so easy to collect from my customers!


MyPOS has many ways to charge my customers, even sending a simple link with which the customer can pay comfortably through his bank app or whatever.
And on top of that, the collection fees I get charged are very low!

The best terminal


The best terminal I have used so far. It is super fast, reliable, never freezes, never thinks. I enter the amount and it's already withdrawn. Can't be compared to anything else on the market. Never a network problem because of the dedicated SIM card.

Highly recommended.


Highly recommended.
Very clear user interface as well as fast and friendly support. The devices we use are used in vehicles. Very robust and good network coverage.

Super service


Super service. Website and App very well done. Excellent and personal help desk where you get real, friendly and fast help. And all very affordable. Already 6 years in use. Always good

A top partnership

customer for 7 years

NEVER have I had a problem

Quick, easy and intuitive!

It has never been so easy to collect from my customers!

The best terminal

Highly recommended.

Super service

Hledáte zákaznickou podporu?

Prozkoumejte naše centrum nápovědy, kde najdete rychlé odpovědi a odborné rady. Zdroj, který zodpoví všechny vaše dotazy a poskytne veškerou pomoc.

Navštivte centrum nápovědy

Podívejte se na možnosti platebních terminálů

Ať už vybíráte své první zařízení nebo rozšiřujete své podnikání,myPOS má skvělý hardware, který sedne vašim potřebám.

Koupit platební terminál

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