myPOS Go 2
Affordable yet fully functional standalone portable card reader
myPOS Go Combo
Our standalone card reader with a portable charging and printing dock
myPOS Carbon
Shock-proof payment terminal for small businesses
myPOS Unattended
Card machines for vending, parking and ticketing hotspots
Website builder
Create your free online shop with myPOS Online and start selling everywhere
Online checkout
Increase your sales by integrating a secure, conversion-oriented payment gateway
Payment Request
You can now accept remote card payments without the need of a card machine
Payment Тag
Choose the myPOS Payment Tag for payments acceptance without a website
Virtual terminal
Turn your computer, mobile phone or tablet into an online credit card machine
Business payment cards
Order a myPOS corporate card and manage your business expenses seamlessly
Revenue-based financing
Get additional financing for your business from a myPOS trusted partner.
Invoice customers and let them pay by card or by bank transfer
Mobile Top-up
Earn additional income by adding value to your customers.
myPOS AppMarket
Choose from hundreds of third-party applications developed for myPOS Android card machines
Visit myPOS terminals reseller centers
Help Centre
All your questions answered
Contact us
Get in touch with myPOS
Fintech news and business tips
Our story
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Looking for a fresh start?
All relevant content for press and media representatives in one place
Quick and secure contactless payments in-store, online or in apps - wherever you are.
Order your Platinum cardMake fast and secure payments with your iPhone or Apple Watch by adding the myPOS Platinum card to Apple Pay. Your card number is never stored on your device or on Apple servers, and when you pay, your card numbers are never shared by Apple with merchants.
Use Apple Pay wherever you see one of these symbols:
Adding Apple Pay as your preferred method of making payments with your myPOS Platinum Silver, Gold or Metal card is as easy as 1-2-3!
Open the Wallet app and add a new card.
For card issuer, pick “other” and enter the card details.
Just tap to pay and begin your journey to effortless payments!
Paying with Apple Pay means you will always have your myPOS Platinum card with you!
No more lost/stolen cash or cards, as every transaction is verified using Face or Touch ID.
If you've forgotten your wallet, just pay with your iPhone or Apple Watch.
All it takes is connecting your myPOS Platinum card to your Apple device and you’re ready to make payments.
Each transaction occurs instantly in the app.
Make payments with your iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch or Mac.
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