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6 Tips to Make Your Business Mobile-Friendly

Is your business prepared to answer the needs of the mobile society?

Does it ever occur to you to change the way your business is presented to the society? If it has, let us give you some pointers on how to do it, because let’s face it – customers now have more options than ever and competition is growing as we speak.

Make your website responsive

Regardless if you plan on creating a website for your business or you already have one, it is important to have it made responsive for mobile devices. People nowadays check almost everything through a smartphone or other mobile device, which means that this is your chance to make a good first impression. The easiest way to check if a website is responsive to open it through your smartphone and see how it appears – if all the content and pictures are properly positioned. Google have created a quick checker that analyses web pages and shows if they are mobile-friendly or not.

Be active in the Social Media

Most of us are familiar with few main platforms, that are most commonly used among individuals and companies, those are: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest. Creating company profiles in those can not only familiarize the society with your services, but also connect you to new customers, business partners, sponsors and even potential employees. However, it is not enough to only register, we would advise you to regularly post updates about your products and services, put special offers and interesting news about the industry.

myPOS Virtual POS payments gateway solution

Have enough information about your company and services online

Social Media activity is important but not enough for building a solid online presence and vision. You can always start with creating a blog section on your website where you can post articles about viral trends in the field of your business. This is the perfect place to put announcements for new products or features that you have released, as well as notifications for events that you or your business partners will be visiting and presenting your ideas.

Offer special deals through third-party e-commerce marketplaces

The online platforms for distribution of vouchers, coupons and other types of special deals are useful for increase of sales, as well as for popularization of the business and products. Such directories are used mainly for a quick boost during low season or right before the holidays, but can be a good online marketing throughout the whole year. Depending on the country your business operates in, you can check for the most popular platform and what are the conditions to advertise your products/services there. Examples of such platforms are Groupon, Gumtree, Living Social, RetailMeNot and

Start accepting payments through your website

You don’t necessarily have to be an e-commerce merchant to take payments through your website. An external payment gateway page can be of large help, especially if you offer any type of prepaid services, vouchers or gift cards. If you, for example, use a system such as myPOS Virtual Terminal, you will be able to use а payment gateway and will not need to store any card details or personal information on your website. The platform serves as a virtual POS terminal and all sensitive data is safely processed through myPOS.

myPOS virtual payment gateway POS terminal

Get a POS system which accepts mobile payments

It is always a plus to accept an additional payment method, regardless of the field of business. Card payments are steadily taking over, but so have contactless payments which can be through card, smartphone or wearable device. That is why POS terminals without an NFC reader are not compatible with today’s requirements and do not fit customers’ needs. myPOS offers several types of card reading machines, which not only are mobile and operate through internet connection, but also accept contactless payments and are equipped with the latest security features.

If you are looking for a better way to expand your mobile presence and offer your services or products to clients from a long distance, myPOS is the answer! Increase your sales, make your clients happy, and run your business successfully and effortlessly. Find more information about mobile payment solutions at

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