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Kiril Yankov – the fun guy who loves chocolate fully coated with… liquid chocolate

myPOS isn’t only an award-winning fintech company but also an employer of more than 350 people. Recently, all of them were invited to participate in a new employer-branding campaign revolving around the question What is myPOS for you?”. For some, myPOS is their voice, for others – a possible dream, and to Kiril, it’s “La Familia”.

“I was born in Silistra, or the “Little Sicily” as people like to refer to it, but I have been living in Varna for five years already.” Thus begins the story of Kiril, who is an Expert: Supplies in the Deliveries department of myPOS. A fan of adrenaline and new experiences, Kiril loves to travel around Bulgaria and discover hidden places and stories. Sports and mobility are an important part of life for him and his eight-year long football career proves it.

For Kiril, myPOS is “La Familia” because he feels that the team is like one big family, which shares daily emotions, interests, challenges, and successes with each other.

Dynamics is something that drives Kiril. According to him, it is a common misconception that people in Deliveries have a very easy job in general because they “just” deal with the supply of POS terminals to distributors and customers. However, this work is very responsible, requires discipline, strong organisational skills, flexibility, combinatorial thinking, and the ability to cope with short deadlines, and stressful situations.

Kiril Yankov is a specialist in the Deliveries Department

Kiril shares that he chose myPOS because of the company itself, and his favorite moments of the day are the conversations with colleagues and the smiles around him. The combination of great working conditions and the amazing team makes myPOS his preferred employer. Inspiration, according to Kiril, can come from anything around, as long as one pays attention.

Here is what else Kiril shared

How do you like to spend your time outside of work?

 I like spending time with friends, playing football and travelling.

Your favorite dessert?

My favorite dessert is chocolate coated with… liquid chocolate. : )

What do you prefer: the sea or the mountains? Why?

The mountains, because I have been a mountaineer since I was a child.

What kind of music do you prefer?

This is an easy question. RAP music!

What’s your hidden talent?

I don’t have specific talent because I am good at everything… lol.

Cats or Dogs?

I have both, so…

How would you define success – personal and professional?

I would say that I am grateful for what I have.

How do you think people around you would describe you?

I guess as a funny person.

If you were to participate in the reality show The Voice of Bulgaria, what song would you choose to sing?

FYRE – Sofia Hills

If you could choose anyone in the world to have a beer with, who would that person be and why?

Eminem – he is my idol!

Kiril Yankov's note from the employer branding campaign

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