myPOS blog Case Studies

myPOS and taxi companies – a great combination!

Are payments a problem for taxi companies?

There’s no doubt that the world of taxi companies is very competitive. In every city or even town there are at least several taxi companies competing for a limited pool of customers. So to make it in this business you have to be nearly perfect – your cars must be new and tidy, you must be always on time picking up or dropping a customer off and you must also offer convenience when the moment for payment comes. After all do you really want to waste your client’s time by making them look for paper money or change? And then there’s the problem of amassing too much cash inside a car and possibly becoming a victim of a robbery. This is a prospect no one wants.

How myPOS can help?

Meet Krassimir. He is a taxi driver, based in Sofia, Bulgaria, working as a franchisee for Yellow Taxi – one of the largest taxi companies in Sofia – and he is one happy guy. Why? The reason is that he has solved the same payment issues he’s been having for years. He no longer looks for change or requires his clients to pay in cash, thus wasting their time. For a year and a half he’s been using a myPOS Combo and he is more than pleased with it. Krassimir says that he often gets clients who want to pay with a plastic card and the convenience that the POS terminal creates is immense. Moreover, he can now serve people who do not have enough cash to pay and he is sure he will get paid every time.

‘’One of the things that I like the most about myPOS is that I can use the money I have received immediately – either to pay for everyday expenses like getting gas or at any ATM machine whenever I need cash.’’

By using the myPOS mobile application he can keep track of his income and expenses all the time anywhere. He finds the app to be extremely helpful and useful.

‘’I also enjoy the extensive feature list of myPOS too and he likes the fact that I can accept nearly every existing debit or credit card and mobile wallet.  And with the tipping feature I get rewarded for my service as well! ‘’ – Krassimir, Cab driver

Furthermore, his clients can even get their prepaid mobile phone card recharged, which is an extra income for him! The best part – there are no monthly or yearly fees for using a myPOS payment terminal, so there is no stress when the workload is low or he is not working!

Krassimir says that the myPOS Combo payment terminal has made his business more efficient, flexible, customer-friendly and convenient, while giving him additional opportunities to make more money. Thanks to the numerous innovative features of myPOS Combo, he is sure he will keep on using the device in the future.

Being like him is easy

myPOS Combo has made Krassimir and numerous other taxi drivers happier and more successful on their jobs. You think these benefits are for the “chosen ones” only? Guess what! You can be like Krassimir too!

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