myPOS blog From Hobby To Business

Zampine Vanitose: Using the love of animals to power up a new business

A few years ago, Linda Biasin’s passion for animals sparked an idea – to establish her own pet business. Through a theoretical course, she discovered grooming which soon became her main interest. She deepened her knowledge with a practical course that taught her everything she needed to pursue a pet-grooming career. Then, instead of searching for a job as a groomer, Linda took it upon herself to open her own studio – a true passion project she developed and continues to run all on her own.

Turning an interest into a successful small business

Founded in August 2022, Zampine Vanitose came to life as a result of Linda Biasin’s lifelong affinity for animals. Her journey was not an easy one – it involved formal training in pet grooming, combining theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience, all while working a full-time job as a store manager. As with every business, the path to establishing Zampine Vanitose wasn’t without hurdles.

Among the challenges faced, the most demanding ones were balancing a full-time job, studies, and family life with a little daughter. Linda, however, navigated this intricate web with determination and resilience. She also encountered bureaucratic obstacles, but she maintained her motivation thanks to rewarding experiences with her clients, both human and furry.

“My passion for animals is innate and that is why I find my job motivating, especially when my clients come back and spread the word about my business among their friends.”

Pet grooming

Adding a personal touch to the business setting

Zampine Vanitose stands out not only with the hard work that went into developing the business but also with the founder’s commitment to building relationships with her clients. Creative window displays, public initiatives and marketing strategies brought people in, but what made the most difference were the bonds Linda forged with each client. These personal relationships are still the ones making  the clientele come back and contribute to the atmosphere and success of Zampine Vanitose.

For aspiring entrepreneurs, the key takeaway from Zampine Vanitose’s story is the transformative power of passion and perseverance. Linda shared that she would tell her past self to not be afraid to take that risk and create her business even sooner. 

“The advice I would give is to pursue one’s passions and turn them into a business. Looking back, I can only be satisfied with my actions.”

While content with the current progress, Linda is always looking to the future of Zampine Vanitose, planning to find a more spacious location and refurbish the premises. Her forward-thinking business approach also led her to the world of digital payments, and that’s how she found myPOS. 

Bringing simplicity and reliability to card payments  

When running a business like Zampine Vanitose, where personal attention to the customer is key, you need all the help you can get with the administrative side of things. Linda shared that for her the standout feature of the myPOS solution is the user-friendly platform and its transparent fee structure which make financial management a breeze.

Linda uses the portable and reliable myPOS Go 2. With its integrated data SIM card for constant connectivity and its multifunctionality, she doesn’t have to worry about handling all kinds of payments and can focus on her customers.

myPOS Go 2 and a cute puppy

“Handling my own business is challenging because my furry clients always need my full attention but myPOS helps me with its speed and simplicity.”

Linda shares the struggles of all small business owners – it’s hard to juggle many tasks and relationships. In her case, even more so as her clientele cannot speak the same language and needs her undivided attention. Yet, she has managed to grow her business thanks to her knack for unconventional solutions and bold decisions. 

As Linda continues to nurture her business and expand her horizons, Zampine Vanitose will continue to be an inspiration for all those who consider turning their hobby into a business.

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