Custom domains for your myPOS Online website
Choose your own domain for as low as 10 €
myPOS Go 2
Our most affordable yet fully functional standalone credit card machine
myPOS Go Combo
Our standalone card reader with a portable charging and printing dock
myPOS Carbon
Shock-proof payment terminal for small businesses
myPOS Unattended
Card machines for vending, parking and ticketing hotspots
Website builder
Create your free online shop with myPOS Online and start selling everywhere
Online checkout
Increase your sales by integrating a secure, conversion-oriented payment gateway
Payment Request
You can now accept remote card payments without the need of a card machine
Payment Тag
Choose the myPOS Payment Tag for payments acceptance without a website
Virtual terminal
Turn your computer, mobile phone or tablet into an online credit card machine
Visit myPOS terminals reseller centers
Help Centre
All your questions answered
Contact us
Get in touch with myPOS
Our story
Learn more about us and our technologies
Meet the leadership team
Looking for a fresh start?
All relevant content for press and media representatives in one place
Choose your own domain for as low as 10 €
Your story starts with a domain
Choose a domain and build your memorable brand online for as little as 10 €
Web hosting simplified
Fast, secure and always online - free hosting with every domain you purchase from myPOS
Free domain privacy protection
Protects your site with a free SSL certificate by encrypting sensitive data
Easily connect to
Sell your products to anyone, anywhere as your domain easily connects to
Choose your custom myPOS Online domain for as low as 10 €
Link your current domain to your new myPOS Online website!
Get your shop up and running with our FREE domain at
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