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myPOS Internship Program 2022 Is On!

myPOS Internship Program 2022 starts on the 1st of July. It will allow nearly 30 young people to join various teams in the company, to gain knowledge, experience and skills in one of the most successful fintech companies in Bulgaria. The internship will be paid and will last from 2 to 3 months, and after its end, myPOS will offer permanent positions to the best performing young people.

The program accepts interns in the following areas:

– Data Reporting

– Clients Verification

– Customer Support

– Finance

– Information Security and Enterprise Risk

– Marketing (PR & Social Media, PPC, SEO and Design)

– Human Resources

– Product Definition / Project Management

– API Development

– Software Integrations Support

– Information Technologies

– Sales

– Logistics

For each intern to get the most out of the program and show the best of themselves, there will be a special routine, that will include both training and practical tasks. The internship will be conducted at the high-tech office of myPOS in the Business Park Varna.

Who can apply?

All the gratuates as well as the 3rd or 4th year students, who:

  • are eager to give their career the best possible start by joining the team of a large, established company operating in over 30 markets in Europe.
  • imagine the internship as an investment, from which they will develop a lot of skills in the real world of business, and will not make coffee or arrange documents
  • love challenges, and dynamics and are not afraid of a lot of work

Deadline for sending applications: 19.06

See all internship positions in the link and apply now!

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