Voltar ao Mercado de Aplicações myPOS
App icon

Fiskalna kasa

  • electron Volt d.o.o
  • Finanças

2 instalações

  • App screenshot
  • App screenshot
  • App screenshot
  • App screenshot
  • App screenshot


Icon image
Fiskalna kasa
About this app
- easy to use
- fast invoicing
- automatic fiscalization of all non-fiscalized accounts
- without tedious daily locking and unlocking of the cash register, the program does everything automatically
- easy installation: download the application from Trg playa, enter your OIB and everything in almost 10 seconds, you can start working immediately
- built-in traffic book
- works on all Android phones and tablets
- Prints on all USB and Bluetooth printers
- possible sending an invoice to the customer by e-mail

Descrição geral

Código da versão
820 KB
Informações do vendedor
Política de privacidade

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