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myPOS offers a global view and an opportunity to contribute

myPOS isn’t only an award-winning fintech company, but also an employer to more than 340 people. Recently, all of them were invited to participate in an employer-branding campaign revolving around the question What is myPOS for you. The campaign was based entirely on the opinions of our colleagues who shared funny notes with their handwriting. Today, we present one of them: Stefan Stankov.

Stefan: The word “contribution” gives meaning to all my efforts

Stefan prefers to spend his free time on the motorcycle. His favorite dessert is sticky rice with mango, and his favorite drink is Ardbeg – the Scottish whiskey made on the isle of Islay and known for its bright, specific taste. He likes music and says his playlist is colorful. Additionally, he owns a microphone, saxophone, trumpet, cornet, bagpipes and a guitar. He also likes to work in a team and contribute to a common goal.

In 2018, Stefan decided to join myPOS because he saw an inspiring idea with huge potential. He describes his position as chief commercial officer as dynamic and interesting, and the partnership with myPOS as an adventure. The opportunity to support his colleagues and guide them to success is what keeps him motivated.

“Together with my colleagues, we are growing our business across Europe, developing trade strategies and teams, and building new divisions for new markets. We are developing partnership programs, participating in projects for the digitalization of payment systems and handling many other interesting and challenging initiatives,” he explained.

For Stefan, the fintech sector is exciting because companies like myPOS are breaking the standards. At a good price, they are offering new opportunities to the people who until recently had limited or zero access to first-class products.

In the office, Stefan gets a sense of satisfaction when seeing his team unite in difficult moments or when he feels the gratitude of clients. He says that success – both personal and professional – is finding yourself, fulfilling your potential and reaching the best version of yourself.

Stefan during one of his bike rides

Here is what else Stefan shared.

From where do you get your inspiration?

From my wild imagination.

How do you prefer to spend your time outside of work?

On the motorcycle or behind the wheel. I head out without direction and always arrive where I should.

The sea or the mountains?

Both … In Bulgaria I can have both.

Cat or dog person?

For the second time – both. My father is a veterinarian and I’ve always had dogs, cats and all kinds of pets.

What always makes you smile?

A casual smile from the person across.

How do you think your loved ones would describe you?

A good person.

Imagine that you have to participate in the Voice of Bulgaria – which song would you choose?

Frank Sinatra – My way.

If you had the chance to have a beer with anyone – whom would you pick?

Larry Page.

What do you think are the biggest misconceptions about your profession and position?

About the profession – that all we do is sell.

About the position – that the title makes you important.

You wrote “contribution”. How would you say myPOS contributed to your life?

myPOS taught me so much in so little time. I can say that I grew up in myPOS – as a person and as a professional. myPOS helped me gain a global vision, meet many people from different countries and learn how to work with partners from various cultures. It was at myPOS that I met some of my closest people, and, for that, I can only be grateful.

What do you think makes myPOS a preferred employer?

myPOS is a company offering great opportunities for development. The pace at which we grow and the scope of our activity are impressive. And, if knowledge is wealth, I have to say that we are accumulating knowledge and experience at an incredible speed. Finally, we work in an international team, full of talent, in a comfortable environment.

Stefan's note for employer branding

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