myPOS Go 2
Our most affordable yet fully functional standalone credit card machine
myPOS Go Combo
Our standalone card reader with a portable charging and printing dock
myPOS Carbon
Shock-proof payment terminal for small businesses
myPOS Unattended
Card machines for vending, parking and ticketing hotspots
Website builder
Create your free online shop with myPOS Online and start selling everywhere
Online checkout
Increase your sales by integrating a secure, conversion-oriented payment gateway
Payment Request
You can now accept remote card payments without the need of a card machine
Payment Тag
Choose the myPOS Payment Tag for payments acceptance without a website
Virtual terminal
Turn your computer, mobile phone or tablet into an online credit card machine
Business payment cards
Order myPOS Business Cards, your first one is for free
Invoice customers and let them pay by card or by bank transfer
Mobile Top-up
Earn additional income by adding value to your customers.
myPOS AppMarket
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No matter what business or customers you have, you must be able to accept every popular card and payment method right away.
The rising customer demand and the flexibility of payment methods which new technologies offer are amongst the most important factors as to why it is vital to accept a wide array of payment methods.
Famous around the world, Visa is used by more than 1.5 billion people. Its popularity makes it the largest global card network in the world in terms of transaction value and is the dominant payment method in all key markets except China.
One of the world’s best known cards with 1 billion holders and rising. Mastercard currently dominates the credit card market in Europe and is the market leader in countries such as Austria, the Benelux economic union, Hungary and others.
A product of Visa, this is the company’s very popular and flexible debit card, issued around the world.
A product of Mastercard, Maestro is the most widely accepted debit card in Europe.
The European debit card with enhanced security, issued by Visa Europe.
American Express or AMEX is America’s most popular credit card, accepted in more than 130 countries and used by more than 100 million people worldwide.
JCB cards are issued by Japan Credit Bureau (JCB), the largest credit card company in Japan, and are accepted in more than 190 countries around the world.
The leading electronic payments method in Belgium. To use Bancontact, the customer needs a card linked to a Belgian bank account.
The most popular online payment method in the Netherlands. iDEAL is an inter-bank system covered by all major Dutch consumer banks.
A digital wallet, designed with Apple fans in mind, Apple Pay lets consumers pay with their iPhone, iPad, watch or Mac.
A fast and simple way to pay available for Android users. Google Pay allows customers to pay with their Android phone, watch or tablet, using the cards saved in their Google Account.
A mobile payment and digital wallet built by Samsung. Samsung Pay allows customers to pay with ease using their Samsung smartphone or another compatible Samsung device.
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