Countertop card machine to boost your business pace

Fast-track your customers' checkout – accept card payments the smarter way

myPOS countertop card machines to match your business dynamics

Contactless, magstripe and Chip&Pin - our countertop card machines accept every kind of payment with ease.

myPOS Go Combo

myPOS Go Combo

A card machine combined with a charging and printing dock

28,900 kr 14,500 kr

án VSK

At the till or on the go? With myPOS Go Combo, you can do both.

No need to connect to a phone or additional hardware to start taking payments.

Accept card payments at а fixed location with an always-charged countertop terminal. When on the move, grab the device to bring payments directly to your customers.

Don't worry if the device is not charged. Simply take the docking station with you - it comes with a comfortable handgrip space for more convenience.

Card payment on terminal

What makes it even better?

The docking station has an integrated thermal printer. It also ensures prolonged battery life, dual charging of the device and dock when connected to a power supply, effortless cash register integration and much more.

myPOS Pro

myPOS Pro Bundle

Powerful duo: a smart card machine and charging dock

39,900 kr 30,900 kr

án VSK

Kaupa núna
myPOS Pro with receipt

Unlock the potential of myPOS Pro when paired with a charging station.

Together, they form a comprehensive countertop payment solution, ensuring your customers a secure and uninterrupted checkout experience.

CPU chip

Fueled by Android OS and a quad-core processor, myPOS Pro is a powerful ally for merchants aiming to elevate their operations and accelerate their cash flow.

Featuring the myPOS AppMarket, it provides an array of proprietary and third-party specialised apps for various industries, including F&B, retail, taxi and transportation, and more.

myPOS Pro terminal

Accept fast payments, ensure enhanced flexibility and prolong the use of your myPOS Pro with the stability provided by the docking station.

What is a countertop card machine?

A countertop card machine is a payment device tailored for in-store transactions, providing a fixed payment point. Conveniently placed on your counter, it serves as your dedicated tool for effortlessly processing card payments. Various types of countertop payment terminals are available and are most commonly used in convenience stores, brick-and-mortar retail shops and reception desks.

How do countertop card machines work?

The myPOS devices function as standalone units, taking payments independently of external hardware. They provide constant network connectivity via a free integrated data SIM card, offer additional capabilities, such as tipping functionality and multi-operator support, and allow the printing of branded receipts.

myPOS Go Combo on table myPOS Go Combo on table

When do you need to buy a countertop card machine?

A countertop card machine is the ideal choice when you want to accept card payments in a fixed location where your business operates.

Typically positioned near or next to the till, these machines provide a rapid and efficient solution for accepting contactless payments. Picture them as your trusty sidekick during peak hours, rescuing you from growing queues and ensuring smooth operations, all while boosting your card turnover and, thus, cash flow.

How much does a countertop card machine cost?

The cost of a countertop machine can vary based on your specific business requirements and the volume of card transactions you will process each month.

At myPOS, card machines come at a one-off price with zero monthly costs. There are no hidden fees or set-up and cancellation charges. With straightforward transaction rates, our products are designed to be an affordable solution for micro and small businesses.

For a personalised quote tailored to your business needs, get in touch with our expert sales team to receive a customised offer.

Hafa samband við söludeild

0 kr


1.69% + 50 kr

fyrir hverja færslu

Sjá allar verðupplýsignar hér.

Countertop card machines showcase Countertop card machines showcase

Why choose a myPOS countertop card machine?

Do you want to accelerate the dynamics of your business? A myPOS countertop card machine will meet the demands. With a comprehensive solution at your fingertips, you'll always be ready to accept all types of payments - from major credit and debit cards to contactless payments like Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay.

Built for efficient charging of the mobile card machine, the docking station guarantees proper battery care in the long run. Plus, with the 4G data SIM card, you can be sure that your device stays connected. The myPOS Pro dock even includes a dedicated port for an Ethernet cable, providing direct internet connectivity in remote locations with weak network signals.

Which myPOS countertop card machine best fits you

Both devices offer various benefits but cater to different business types. The choice depends on your business's specific needs.

myPOS Go Combo

myPOS Go Combo

myPOS Go Combo er tilvalið fyrir minni fyrirtæki og býður upp á kreditkortavél með hleðslu og prentarakví. Söluaðilar geta tekið við greiðslum, prentað út merktar kvittanir og haldið tækinu alltaf hlöðnu. Vélin er með þægilegt lyklaborð og hentar bæði fyrir afgreiðsluborð og greiðslur á ferðinni.

28,900 kr 14,500 kr

án VSK

myPOS Pro Bundle

myPOS Pro Bundle

In contrast, the myPOS Pro bundle suits businesses with higher customer volumes and frequent checkout lines. It features an HD multi-touch screen, ensuring ultra-fast card payment processing and receipt printing, delivering prompt customer service.

39,900 kr 30,900 kr

án VSK

Stærðarhlutföll og þyngd

myPOS Go 2

136,6 x 67,6 x 21 mm
181,6gr. með rafhlöðu

Go 2 prentarakví

162,8 x 88,9 x 77,6 mm
420 gr með rafhlöðu

myPOS Pro

212,6 × 79,1 × 51,9mm
427 gr með rafhlöðu

Pro Charging dock

228 × 95 × 55mm
264 gr



Android 10.0

Android öpp fyrir fyrirtækið þitt



LCD-litaskjár með himnubirti







myPOS Go 2


Go 2 prentarakví




Örgjörvi og PIN

Örgjörvi og PIN


Ókeypis gagnasímkort

Ókeypis gagnasímkort


Rafrænar kvittanir með textaskilaboðum, tölvupósti

Pappírskvittanir, thermal prentari sem stenst mikið álag
Rafrænar kvittanir með textaskilaboðum, tölvupósti


Síðasta ógilda færsla
Að gefa þjórfé

Síðasta ógilda færsla
Að gefa þjórfé

Það sem viðskiptavinir okkar segja

„Það sem mér finnst best við myPOS Go 2 er að geta farið um fyrirtækið (t.d. bar eða verslun) á auðveldan hátt með kortavélinni, og hún er alltaf með hraða tengingu.“

Giuseppe Belluardo

Glass Cathedral, Ítalíu.

„Það getur verið áskorun að stunda eigin rekstur, þar sem við vöxum með fyrirtækinu og tæknilega umhverfinu sem við erum í, svo það getur oft verið erfitt að treysta á að tæknin virki hvar sem er á landinu. myPOS hjálpar mér með einum vettvangi fyrir allt, til að við getum selt auðveldlega, sérstaklega á marköðum og viðburðum. Við gætum ekki farið á viðburði án þess núna!“

Elluisa Vitale

Sugar Sack, Englandi

„Mér finnst gott að vinna með myPOS Go 2 vegna þess að það er lítið og færanlegt og getur gert allt! Á myPOS fyrirtækisreikningnum er hægt að sjá allar greiðslur tafarlaust, sem er mikill kostur fyrir eigendur lítilla fyrirtækja.“

Lachezar Georgiev

Duga, Búlgaríu

„Eins og er get ég sagt að tveir þriðju af sölunni okkar fer í gegnum myPOS. Við missum aldrei af sölu vegna þess að við getum tekið við kortum frá öllum greiðslukerfum. Auk þess er myPOS Go 2 tækið útbúið með öllum aðgerðunum sem við þurfum og meira til. Það lætur okkur finnast við vel í stakk búin til að láta fyrirtækið vaxa og við vitum að myPOS mun styðja við okkur alla leið.“

Ksenia Menkova

Duas Sardinhas, Portúgal

„Fyrir okkur er nauðsynlegt að hafa snertilausa kortavél sem við getum tekið með á handverkssýningar. Þar sem myPOS Go 2 þarf engar aukasnúrur eða Wi-Fi er hún fullkomið greiðslutæki fyrir fyrirtækið okkar. Um leið og félagar mínir sáu hversu gagnlegir myPOS posarnir eru fengu þeir sér sömu tæki í sína sölubása.“

Guarete Figueira

Guarete Figueira - Arts and Crafts, Portúgal

„Í dag eru allir vanir því að nota snertiskjá. myPOS Pro er með viðmót sem er auðvelt í notkun, sem gerir það þægilegt fyrir starfsfólk okkar. Það leiðir til styttri þjálfunartíma og meiri afkasta. Auk þess þurfa þjónarnir og yfirmennirnir að ganga minna, þar sem kortavélin er færanleg. Það minnkar vinnuálagið á þá og styttir biðtímann fyrir viðskiptavinina þegar þeir biðja um reikninginn.“

Stefan Ivanov

Happy, Bretlandi

All-in-one payment solution for your business

Unlock a world of advantages tailored to meet every need of your business

Free online account

Free online account

Create your account with myPOS to manage your finances with ease - it's free, entirely online and grants you access to the myPOS platform.

Get your funds in seconds

Get your funds in seconds

The money from every transaction is immediately deposited into your myPOS account, free of extra charges.

Debit card with every device

Debit card with every device

Use your free myPOS debit card to make payments or withdraw your funds to meet immediate business expenses.

0 kr


No monthly or hidden fees

At myPOS, we spare merchants from fixed monthly costs. Only a small transaction fee is applied upon completion of a sale.

No long-term contracts

No long-term contracts

There are no binding commitments or cancellation fees associated with the use of the myPOS devices and services.

myPOS app

myPOS app

The myPOS mobile app is your key to business control - track sales transactions, generate invoices and more, all for free.

Algengar spurningar

Svör við spurningum þínum

myPOS Go Combo combines the myPOS Go 2 card reader with a docking station offering both printing and charging capabilities.

The docking station of myPOS Go Combo can operate without being connected to a power source, thanks to its built-in battery. As long as it has sufficient battery power, it can print receipts and charge your myPOS Go 2 without needing an external power connection.

myPOS Pro, on the other hand, doesn't rely on a docking station for receipt printing; it features an integrated high-speed thermal printer within the device itself.

Yes, both myPOS Go 2 and myPOS Pro have built-in batteries that support all-day active use. But if you want to ensure your device is always ready to accept payments, you can dock your device and enjoy an uninterrupted experience and proper device battery care.

Yes, both the myPOS Go Combo and the myPOS Pro bundle support Wi-Fi connectivity. myPOS Pro can even be connected to a LAN using an Ethernet cable if the Wi-Fi connection is not stable or possible at all. You can also rely on the free integrated data SIM card for constant network connectivity.

Owning a countertop card machine offers numerous key advantages to businesses. It provides integrated payments, offering a fast and secure way to process major debit and credit transactions with zero errors. This not only ensures customer satisfaction and increased cash flow but also improves efficiency by minimising the risk of costly mistakes, such as errors caused by miskeyed transactions.

As an Android-powered card machine, myPOS Pro is integrated with the myPOS AppMarket, which offers a variety of specialised business management applications.

One example is the myPOS Cash Register app, boasting numerous perks for businesses:

  • Issuing of hard-copy or digital receipts for card, cash & split payments;
  • Inventory management using cloud technology;
  • Opportunity for discount application.

Additionally, there are numerous third-party applications developed to help you effectively manage your business operations.

Choose reliability and speed.

Choose a myPOS countertop card machine for smarter payments.


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